Presentation Guidelines

  • KL presentations: 30 minutes (including 5 minutes for questions and discussion).
  • OS presentations: 15 minutes (including 3 minutes for questions and discussion).

The lecture room will be equipped with a PC and a video projector.
Speakers are invited to upload their presentation files (USB memory stick, etc) to the slide point (at the Registration Desk) at the latest
by the evening before their scheduled session.
Uploaded files will be available on the lecture room facility.
Speakers are invited to check their presentation on the available PC before any session.
Available presentations system supports ONLY Microsoft WINDOWS and the latest versions of the presentation software.
If the presentation includes any video, the required file format is “avi”.
Mac users are encouraged to save their presentations as "pdf" files.
It is not possible to use a different laptop/devices.

Poster Guidelines

  • Poster size: A0 (max 84,1 cm width x 118,9 cm height). You will be required to print your poster before your arrival.
  • Posters with odd numbers will be presented during poster session 1, Monday 19th September.
  • Posters with even numbers will be presented during poster session 2, Wednesday 21st September.

Poster board location can be found in the List of Posters here below. Necessary tools will be available at the Registration desk

Download here the list of