The Congress Registration fees are:
Early Bird Fees Before 30th June 2022 |
Fees |
Late Fees |
Euro 550,00 | Full Participant | Euro 650,00 |
Euro 375,00 | Students Participant | Euro 425,00 |
Euro 500,00 | ISE Member* | Euro 600,00 |
Euro 800,00 | Company | Euro 850,00 |
Euro 150,00 | Accompanying person | Euro 150,00 |
All registered participants fees include: congress materials, admittance to the scientific sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and banquet.
Accompanying persons fee includes: welcome reception, gala dinner and guided cultural visit to Mycenae the 20th of September. Admittance to the scientific sessions is not included.
*Those who have completed their payments (4,000 JPY, equivalent to 30€) for ISE ordinary membership for 2022.
Students planning to participate in the Congress are requested to send the Organizing Secretariat (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) a copy of their student ID or an equivalent document signed by an official supervisor at their university or academic institute via fax or e-mail.
Please note there are travel grants available from FEMS to assist with travel and accommodation.
The invoice for registration fees will be issued using the billing data you will include in the registration form, please complete it carefully with your Institution/Company information and VAT code (if any).
For Italian Participants: La segreteria Organizzativa emetterà fattura elettronica per le quote di registrazione. Vogliate fornire partita IVA e codice univoco della vostra Università/Azienda oppure il vostro codice fiscale.
In case you need to cancel your Registration you can send an e-mail to the Organizing Secretariat YES MEET (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) or a fax +390818770258
- Before August 3rd, 2022 no penalty due
- From August 3rd to 31st 2022 you will be refunded of 50% of the Registration fee paid
- From September 1st, 2022 no refund will be possible
Please note that any refund will be done after the Congress.